Bokchoi Organico (Organic Bok Choy) unidad/unit

Bokchoi Organico (Organic Bok Choy) unidad/unit

Eco Feria Dominical
Regular price
₡ 525,00
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₡ 525,00
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Tambien conocido como repollo chino blanco, pertenece a la familia de verduras brassicas chinas. Tiene tallos blancos o verdes, gruesos y crujientes con hojas anchas de color verde claro a oscuro. El tamano puede variar de 4-12 pulgadas. Todas las partes, tallo y hojas, se comen. 

Bok Choy

Also called white Chinese cabbage, belongs to the leafy vegetable pak choi family of Chinese brassicas. It has white or green, thick, crunchy stems with light to dark green wide leaves. Size can vary from 4-12 inches tall. All parts, stems and leaves, are eaten.