Collection: Eco Filtro
Eco Filtro fue inventado por el científico guatemalteco Lic. Fernando Mazariegos, quien aceptó el reto de encontrar la forma de purificar agua de manera efectiva, ecológica y de bajo costo.
El aserrín se convierte en carbón activado durante el proceso, y este elimina todo mal olor, sabor y turbiedad del agua sin importar cuál sea su proveniencia (arroyo, río, pozo, laguna o lago).
La plata coloidal se impregna en la superficie del filtro cerámico después de que este se cose en el horno. Es un bactericida utilizado en todo el mundo para purificar el agua y no tiene ningún efecto secundario. Esta funciona como una segunda capa protectora para neutralizar a los contaminantes.
Al inicio la filtración es lenta, es por el proceso natural en donde se empiezan a abrirse los poros de la unidad filtrante, esto hace que le de un sabor a arcilla al agua durante las primeras veces filtraciones. Hay que remover el agua de los primeros filtrados y vaciar el recipiente por completo, varias veces, (aunque recomendamos que vayas probando el sabor, ya que cada filtro puede variar) para quitarle el sabor al agua.
Eco Filtro was invented by the Guatemalan scientist Lic. Fernando Mazariegos, who accepted the challenge of finding a way to purify water in an effective, ecological and low-cost way
The filter unit is a “composite” or composite material, made up of three natural materials that are clay, sawdust and colloidal silver. Together, these materials have the following characteristics:
The clay creates microscopic channels within the interior walls of the filtration unit and traps all contaminants in the water, including solids, BACTERIA, and PARASITES.
The sawdust turns into activated carbon during the process, and this removes all bad odors, tastes and turbidity from the water no matter where it comes from (stream, river, well, pond or lake).
The colloidal silver is impregnated on the surface of the ceramic filter after it is sewn in the oven. It is a bactericide used throughout the world to purify water and does not have any side effects. This works as a second protective layer to neutralize contaminants.
At the beginning the filtration is slow, it is by the natural process where the pores of the filter unit begin to open, this makes the water give a clay flavor during the first filtrations. You have to remove the water from the first filters and empty the container completely, several times, (although we recommend that you test the flavor, since each filter can vary) to remove the flavor from the water.
Eco Feria Dominical is the authorized dealer of Eco Filtro for the Southern Zone of Costa Rica.
Eco Filtro de Barro(Water Clay Filter)ordene 1 semana antes/order 1 week ahead
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 135.000,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 135.000,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Eco Filtro Enlosado(Water Eco Filtro Peltre)ordene 1 semana antes/order 1 week ahead
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 125.000,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 125.000,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Eco Filtro Unidad Filtrante Mini ( Filter Unit mini)
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 23.900,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 23.900,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Mini Eco Filtro (Mini Water Eco Filter Peltre)ordene 1 semana antes/order 1 week ahead
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 79.500,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 79.500,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Eco Filtro Unidad Filtrante ( Filter Unit )
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 45.000,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 45.000,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Mini Filtro (Mini Water Filter)ordene 1 semana antes/order 1 week ahead
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 75.000,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 75.000,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Llave Acero Inoxidable
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 25.000,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 25.000,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
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Eco Filtro de Ceramica (Water Ceramics Filter) ordene 1 semana antes /order 1 week ahead
- Vendor
- Regular price
- ₡ 225.000,00
- Sale price
- ₡ 225.000,00
- Regular price
- Unit price
- per
Sold out