Estas sublimes velas de cera de abeja, con su hermoso color y su sutil aroma a miel, completamente naturales; son hechas según el procedimiento casero tradicional. Su paciente confección manual, capa por capa, vela por vela, requiere de tiempo, amor y devoción.
Su refulgente y cálida luz nos transporta hacia una conexión directa con nuestra Madre Naturaleza y nos conduce a meditar sobre los regalos maravillosos de la vida y nuestro compromiso de proteger el medio ambiente.
These beautiful beeswax candles are made according to the traditional candle making home procedure. His patient manual making, layer by layer, candle by candle, requires time, love and devotion.
Its beautiful and warm light transports us towards a direct connection with Mother Nature and leads us to meditate on the wonderful gifts of life and our commitment to protect the environme
Su refulgente y cálida luz nos transporta hacia una conexión directa con nuestra Madre Naturaleza y nos conduce a meditar sobre los regalos maravillosos de la vida y nuestro compromiso de proteger el medio ambiente.
These beautiful beeswax candles are made according to the traditional candle making home procedure. His patient manual making, layer by layer, candle by candle, requires time, love and devotion.
Its beautiful and warm light transports us towards a direct connection with Mother Nature and leads us to meditate on the wonderful gifts of life and our commitment to protect the environme
importante como agente antioxidante, antiinflamatorio y antibacteriano. Con una variedad de cambio metabolitos que mejoran la salud.
Premium grade cruelty-free honey from Abejas Del Sur:
Is never pasteurised or blended and as a result, our honey preserves all of its naturally occuring enzymes and antioxidants.
Raw honey is considered one of nature's true superfoods and plays an important role as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial agent. With a variety of changing metabolites that improve health.